Wednesday 16 May 2018

Music video essay

List A - Corine Bailey Rae
List B - David Guetta

Music videos are a form of promotion, in this case, it provides another platform for fans to watch and access their favourite musicians. In the music video 'Stop where you are' by Corrine Bailey Rae (CBR) she represents herself as a free-spirited, strong women and wants to demonstrate to her audience that she doesn't agree with 'typical' stereotypes. She explained on her website that she wanted to show in her song "that sometimes we hold our happiness away from ourselves". This hybrid/soulful pop song is about being present, stopping and celebrating whats happening at this very moment. This message is represented to CBR's audience throughout the music video.

For example, the music video starts off with linear shots of straight lines e.g. 17 seconds into the video is a mid shot of a staircase. The straight lines in this shot suggest how everything is contained and controlled, it is overwhelming. This is later contrasted to the circular dance motions portrayed by the dance group to suggest them breaking through the restrains of stereotypes. This is then further emphasised by CBR. The low shot used of CBR is empowering due to the sun breaking through behind her along with her red dress that is the main icon to the music video (connotations of love) to once again promote and represent herself as a young, free spirited woman.

Another example of a stereotype shown is that teenagers are show as misunderstood/lonely figures. This is demonstrated by the 'faceless' blue hooded figure. The wide angle shot of the teenager 20 seconds in demonstrates the smallness that they are feeling and this is physically shown and enhanced by the shot being in the left of the centre third. This shot makes them look overwhelmed and insignificant which is helped by the straight lines again. By the teenager being 'faceless' suggests how meaningless this age group is to the world. That adults do not listen to the new generations ideas as they feel they simply know whats 'best'. CBR wants to represent this as a strong message of hers to her audience that teenagers should not be ignored, that they need to be understood and taken seriously instead.

In conclusion, 'Stop where you are' is a music video used to promote not just her music but CBR's views and ideas on society. She wants her audience to understand this but live in the present by doing so, to not worry about the future but live in the present and take each day as it comes.

1 comment:

  1. What is her relationship with the the other characters? How does she come across in relation to them? What are some of the messages from the other characters and how do they see her?
