Thursday 9 November 2017

Codes and conventions of a newspaper

Codes and conventions 
Skyline - An information panel on the front page that tells the reader about the other stories inside.

Main Image - The dominant picture often filling most of the front cover.

Lead story - Main story using a splash.

Headline - A phrase that summarizes the main point of the article, usually a large print in a different style to catch the attention of the reader.

Page numbers - A system of organisation within the magazine, which helps you find what you want to read.

Caption - Brief text under an image that describes the photo or graphic.

Audience - People who the newspaper aim to sell too.

Folio - Top label for the whole page.

Gutter - The margins inbeteween pages.

Pull quote - Something taken from within an article.

Classified Ad - Advertisement that only displays text.

Page furniture - Everything on the page except pictures or texts.

Byline - The line above the story which gives the authors name.

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